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Action Tool(s)
Highlands Climbing

Access Fund National Grass-Root Climbing Access Conference September 2003 (click here)

Confront authority in grass-root manner and fashion.
Petition your Legislator 




Outlined Contents for a Political Action Letter.


Use the outline of contents that should be included to write to your State and Local Elected Officials.  Keep letters brief and limit to one page. 


Rationalization for personal drafted letter vs. form letter:

1.  Show you care.  Take the time to write and mail your own letter.


2.  Letters that are not form and template provide a greater impact then a standard letter.  This is specific to the State of NJ, based on size and proximity of legislatures.


3.  Strength in numbers and organizational support.  Include information on the Access Fund.





Content  (include in your own words information on the following)


Dear Honorable NJ State Senator or Assemblyperson,


First Paragraph:      Introduce Self:  As voter and  resident of the State, you town, length of time resident, if visitor state how many time you have visited state, include age and length of time you've been climbing.



Second Paragraph:     Allow Access for Climbing on NJ State Owned and Managed Lands, including State parks, forest, wildlife management areas and natural areas.  Include personal stories and experiences.  State you favor to amend NJAC 7:2-2.22 to allow climbing and rappelling.  Add personal comments and thoughts on why you think climbing should be allowed on State lands.   


Third Paragraph:  Mention actions and support implemented by the Access Fund.  Then include the following:   The Access Fund ( is a national non-profit organization dedicated to protecting and promoting the diversity of outdoor climbing in America.  The Access Fund is dedicated to keeping climbing areas open and to conserving the climbing environment. 


Last Paragraph:       Thank legislature for their time and allowing you to bring to their attention this issue.


Respectfully and w/ due deliberation,




Your Name

Home Town






Access NJ believes in the Preservation of the Highlands



Climbers need to contact the following individuals via e-mail and let them know that you support climbing on NJ State lands.


A)  State Senator Diane Allen


Senator Allen and others of her ilk in South Jersey seem to be pro-climbing.  Legislative support is key to having a resolution passed in the legislature that calls for climbing access on NJ State owned and managed lands.  If you contact your local elected official make sure to copy to Senator Allen.



NJ State Park Service Committee to evaluate rock-climbing on State owned and managed  lands


90% of the climbing in NJ takes place in the NJ Highlands. 


State of NJ Web Site on the Highlands: 




Note:  Ideal approach is to copy all three of the above your e-mail letters along w/ your local elected offical.
note:  if confronting authority it's always the unknown climbers fault.

Locate elected officals name and address by clicking legislative link found  on the home page.